Annie Locke Scherer

Annie Locke is parametric design and digital fabrication consultant at AL Scherer AB. She is currently leading Pixel, a parametrically-oriented studio within Lundén Architecture Co.

She graduated from University of Michigan in 2014 with a Masters in Architecture with a special focus on robotics and digital fabrication. Her 2016 M.Sc. post-professional degree at the University of Stuttgart Integrative Technologies (ITECH) program explored kirigami and the patterning of flat sheet material to approximate complex 3D forms. These topics were the foundation for her PhD research at KTH (Stockholm, Sweden) which focuses on the integration of computational design and fabrication with fabric formwork, parametric patterning, and concrete.

She has taken part in many large-scale constructions such as the 2014-2015 ITECH Pavilion, Francois Roche's "Feral Child" film set, Arthur Mamou-Mani's Galaxia, and served as project lead for the Temple of Tokamak and Protea. Most recently she was invited to design and build a deluxe suite “The Breach” at the Ice Hotel in Kiruna, Sweden.

Within academia, she has taught digital fabrication seminars at University of Michigan and KTH, as well as a Master-level Studio 09: Architectural Notations with her colleague Pablo-Miranda Carranza (2017-2019). In her continued interest to combine research, collaboration and dissemination, she has lectured both locally and internationally, including ETH, Sveriges Arkitekturgalan, and Dome of Visions. Her research has been published in peer-reviewed journals, both online and in conference proceedings, and her work was awarded the Ivan Petrovic Prize for her presentation at eCAADe.

Curriculum Vitae