

Scherer, A. L. (2021). CONCRETE FORM[ing]WORK: Design, Fabrication, Simulation and Correlation of Parametrically Patterned Flexible Formwork and Concrete. (Doctoral dissertation). Stockholm, Sweden: KTH Royal Institute of Technology

Diva publication

Gunne, Nina. (2020). “Volontärarbete ger mening i kristider.” Arkitekten Nr 5/2020. Interview. pg 3,21.

Arkitekten - print

Online article

Scherer, A. L. (2019) Designing and Simulating Parametrically-Patterned Fabric Formwork for Cast Concrete, in: Architecture in the Age of the 4th Industrial Revolution. Presented at the 37th eCAADe and 23rd SIGraDi Conference, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal

Research Gate

Eklund, H. (2018) ‘Därför är roboten framtidens verktyg’, Arkitekten Nr 2/2018, featured interview.

Arkitekten - print

Online article

Scherer, A. L. (2017) Concrete Form[ing]work: integrating patterns and smart textiles with cast concrete, Innochain Network Journal 2.


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Scherer, A. L. (2017) ‘Concrete Form[ing]work: Integrating patterns in flexible formwork for cast concrete’, archiDOCT, 5(1), pp. 27–39.


Scherer, A. L. (2017) ‘Robotisoitu tuotanto, vastaus monimuotoistuvaan arkkitehtuuriin?’, Korjaus Rakentaminen, February, pp. 44–45. Translated by K. Salminen. 

Korjaus Rakentaminen